Whether you’re transporting cargo or passengers, safety and security are a top priority in today’s transportation industry. From airports to railroad companies, border crossings to cargo loading facilities, Gatekeeper Intelligent Security’s advanced systems are protecting the transportation industry across the globe.
Intelligent Vehicle Undercarriage Scanner (IVUS)®
Using advanced signal processing to automatically inspect a vehicle’s undercarriage IVUS is protecting airports, cargo loading facilities, border crossings and more. IVUS identifies a vehicle’s make and model, detects foreign objects and anomalies, and provide alerts regarding potential threats in seconds, and is available in permanent, mobile and tactical versions. LEARN MORE
Intelligent Train Undercarriage Scanner (ITUS)®
ITUS automatically scans each train car’s undercarriage and immediately detects foreign objects, anomalies, and potential maintenance hazards under all environmental conditions at rail facilities worldwide. It only takes four seconds for our software to compare the subject car’s undercarriage to a safe car’s undercarriage and to display both on the screen. LEARN MORE
Intelligent License Plate Analytics (ILPA)®
With superior image quality and advanced character recognition software, ILPA is the choice of the transportation industry. Track vehicles in and out of facilities and connect to law enforcement reporting systems so that stolen vehicles, stolen plates, or vehicles of interest are automatically flagged on the operator terminal. LEARN MORE
Intelligent Vehicle Occupant Detection (IVOD)®
Whether you’re protecting an airport or a border crossing, knowing who is driving a vehicle as they approach is one of the most crucial security measures you can take. With IVOD, security officers know who is inside, even through tinted glass, day or night, thanks to the high-resolution area scan camera and a powerful targeted array of LED lights. LEARN MORE
Intelligent Shipping Container Detection (ISCD)®
ISCD technology automatically recognizes and decodes international shipping container codes, speeding up the security and overall throughput to process cargo tracking at busy border crossings, railways, air and sea ports. LEARN MORE